Wedding Inspiration, French Style: Pink and Glitter

By Claire

French inspi­ra­tion shoot from La Mar­iée en Colère

This shoot (“shoot­ing d’inspiration”) is deli­ciously girly: with per­fect pinks and del­i­cate pas­tels, beau­ti­ful lit­tle flower arrange­ments for tables, a bright and sum­mery bou­quet plus wed­ding sta­tionery (ele­gant as you’d expect!) — it’s just divine. The pic­tures speak for them­selves, and I’ve cred­ited all the sup­pli­ers involved below:

Wed­ding sup­plier list and credits

French wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy : Fairy­Daily

Décor and wed­ding invi­ta­tions : 123nousirons

Wed­ding dress : Con­fi­den­tiel Créa­tion

Cup­cakes : Candy’s Cup­cakes Bor­deaux

Hair­dress­ing : Event Coif­fure Bor­deaux

Make up : Jenny Make Up

La Mar­iée en Colère is great: Nathalie writes with humor as well as a great eye for all things beau­ti­ful and inspir­ing. And do you know… her French wed­ding blog is pretty much like my Eng­lish one. I’ve sub­scribed; you should pop over and have a look too.

For non-French speak­ers, with Google trans­late you can read it in the internet’s spe­cial “franglais” too!