Wedding Blogs — an Introduction at Christmas Time!

By Claire

What are wed­ding blogs? An introduction

Wed­ding blogs are sim­ply the equiv­a­lent of wed­ding mag­a­zines, on the inter­net. They’re con­stantly updated with real wed­dings, ideas and inspi­ra­tion, advice and expert help with wed­ding planning.

Bruno and Suzy’s wed­ding at Hen­grave Hall — Photo credit Chris Han­ley (click image to see the wedding)

Wed­ding blogs are:

  • Free! There’s no cover price — save money on mag­a­zines and spend your time read­ing wed­ding blogs instead! Over a year, you’ll save plenty of pen­nies and they all count when you’re plan­ning a wedding!
  • Online - and always at your fin­ger­tips. Read your favorite blogs on your com­puter at home or work, on your mobile while you com­mute, or on your iPad or tablet all snug­gled up on your sofa. Most are opti­mised for mobile devices so you can spend as much time with us as you like!
  • Search­able… if you’re look­ing for some­thing in par­tic­u­lar, per­haps vin­tage wed­ding acces­sories or a top wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher, you won’t need to spend hours flick­ing through the blogs. Use a search engine like to find the wed­ding infor­ma­tion and ideas you need! Sim­ples
  • By real peo­ple. Wed­ding blog­gers don’t belong to big cor­po­ra­tions; there’s no huge team of staff and we write our own fea­tures and arti­cles. When you com­ment on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog, I read that com­ment (and it’s always really, really lovely to hear from read­ers!) Wed­ding blogs are hon­est, gen­uine and down to earth. So whichever blog you love best, you’ll get to know the blog­ger behind it. This is why I love wed­ding blogs (and read them) far more than the wed­ding magazines.

I hope you’ll enjoy them too!

Laura and Jamie’s vin­tage wed­ding on the blog — Photo credit Sam Clay­ton Pho­tog­ra­phy. Click image to see the wedding!