Web Site Lets You Look Inside Virtually Any Building In The World

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Gizmodo reports that a web site called Worldcam allows you to view the inside of buildings around the world… as long as they’ve been tagged in public Instagram photos.

The folks at Gizmodo showed pics of “the first eight places we scoped out.” So it’s good to know of all the places in the world, one of the first they scoped out was purveyor of porn, Vivid Entertainment LLC.

We at NotTheWorstNews first scoped out 108 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, NY, to see if there were any ghosts (knowing the Amityville Horror story was made up according to Wikipedia), but the site took us to the “Park Avenue Grill” which sounds too upscale and ghost deficient location our purposes.

3 Worse Buildings To View The Inside Of Via The Internet

1. Your house. Really? Are you too lazy to get off the computer and walk around and see the real thing?

2. Anywhere Kate Middleton is sunbathing in the nude. Remember, even princes have to put their settings to “private” if they don’t expect their photos to appear in a French newspaper. Oh, and if you’re nude outside, just assume that it’s in public, even if it requires a telescope to take the picture. The Martians have already assumed this for decades, which is why we’ve never seen them.

3. The Park Avenue Grill in Amityville, NY. We decided to click on our the link mentioned earlier in this article, and all we got was a link to Four Square, with no photo! What a rip-off! Or is it? Maybe this restaurant is a ghost and that’s why we can’t see it. Well played. You still got it, Amityville!