Web Roundup: What Women Want

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

What is UP? Aside from oodles and oodles of interesting auction news, this week was remarkably hot in jewelry news. We had The Duchess declaring her love for a NZ jeweler. Cartier snapped up an insanely gorgeous jadeite necklace of its own design – very eager to get it back into the archives, I assume. Would love to see this puppy on an oscar’s red carpet in the coming years! I made these as my afternoon snack (thought I’d eat the whole cooking sheet, but couldn’t fit more than 5 in my stomach. So rich, so delicious.) And speaking of rich and delicious: I have this meal on my Chicago restaurant checklist. Ridiculous? Yes, but worth it just to say I had it.

How bad do you want this pool? Plot twist! It’s not a pool.


Despite my work uniform being yoga pants and the least stained tank top I can find, this is my new favorite blog.

And, in other visions of what I’d like to wear, I relay relay relay would like this dress. Please.

I, along with the rest of the world it seems, fell totally in love with Prince George this week.

Totally swooned for these spring-perfect boutonnieres.

Interesting article, with a  lot of sweet sentiment. We’ve seen a huge spike in couples shopping exclusively for vintage & antique diamonds, for those who don’t have Nana’s.

And on the topic of what the ladies want in an engagement ring…

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