Web App Development Frameworks That You Can’t Afford To Miss

Posted on the 07 January 2014 by Finoit Labs

Right from the erstwhile days of web application development till now, the tech savvy industry has witnessed a profusion of frameworks where each strives to supersede the other in flexibility, usability and coding standards. Notably, web application frameworks come handy in the development of interactive web applications that could serve specific business purposes for enterprises and SMBs at minimum possible overheads. These frameworks comprise specific libraries for session management, templates, database access etc., and also encourage code reuse, which further increment their usability in the web development sector. Let’s check out what is there in the stores for ardent developers from the web application development world in the coming times.

PHP frameworks

Source:  psdhelpline

Among the highly regarded frameworks for web development, PHP frameworks have accumulated vast response from the businesses as well as developers the world over. A bulk of credit to their eminence must go to the features and facilities they promise:

  • The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern
  • File and code organization
  • Utilities & libraries
  • Web app security
  • Lesser code, quicker development
  • Performance tools for caching, dynamic loading, benchmarks, profiling, etc.
  • Active PHP community support

Riding high on these advantages, Bruno Skvorc, the PHP Editor from Sitepoint spearheaded a survey to know the 2014’s most sought after PHP frameworks. Several questions were asked from the developers that held working experience in a minimum of one framework. After eliminating invalid responses, the final results gave an upper hand to Laravel, followed by Phalcon and Symfony2. Yii and CodeIgniter shared the 4th position jointly.

Source: sitepoint

Among the other PHP frameworks to entice the developers included Aura, CakePHP, Zend Framework and more. Most probably, they will remain the preferred choices of the developers in the better future as well.

JavaScript MVC Frameworks

These are widely preferred owing to their ability to implement new changes to the user interface repeatedly and without affecting the user experience. Some of the key advantages of using these frameworks include:

  • Modular approach that makes it easier to maintain code
  • Simpler debugging, just hit F5 and see how the code runs.
  • Quicker development, with three-fourth of the code written in JavaScript
  • More regular production changes due to self-contained application logic
  • Easy for new developers to get acclimated with the old programming code

Some of the most preferred JavaScript MVC frameworks include Angular.js, Backbone.js and Ember.js.

  • Angular: The framework rose to popularity with the entrance of Google in the development fray. It is a two way binding too that requires you to extend HTML code with tags and properties instead of asking you to select class and id based elements.
  • Backbone: This framework is more flexible and widely craved for data binding. It is often termed as a utility that helps in structuring code and not as a framework.
  • Ember: Previously known as Sproutcore 2.0 i, Ember promotes its unique convention over configuration philosophy.

Ajax Frameworks

The Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, better known as Ajax is an assemblage of several interrelated web development technologies that find their best use in the development of asynchronous web applications on the client-side. Evidently, the Ajax framework utilizes this very language to create dynamic web pages.

  • YUI: An abbreviation for Yahoo! User Interface Library, YUI is an open-source JavaScript library, which is highly preferred for web applications develop owing its rich and interactive features, well endorsed by Ajax, DOM, DHTML, and Ajax scripting.
  • MooTools: The object-oriented JavaScript framework allows the developers to create flexible, strong and cross-browser code with its coherent API. It is designed for use by medium to advance level developers.
  • jQuery: It is a JavaScript library that makes event handling, HTML document traversal, animation, etc. much simple with the help of Ajax Framework. It also provides jQuery UI, which comprises a set of UI interactions, widgets, effects and themes.
  • ASP.Net Ajax: Previously known as Microsoft Atlas, it is a set of ASP.NET extensions that come handy in implementing the functionalities of Ajax in web applications. It can run on multiple browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, MS Internet Explorer, and so on.

    Source: blogs-learnnowonline

  • CJAX: It is a PHP AJAX framework that finds its use in performing assorted tasks such as to search data, take care of database, create PHP applications or sites, etc. It is MVC oriented, lightweight and lets the developers to execute JavaScript with PHP.

These are some of the most widely used frameworks and their types that are expected to be accommodated in the developers’ good books in the coming times as well. Alongside, many other renowned frameworks are also worth a dekko, such as HTML5 frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton, etc.) ASP.NET MVC framework, Python web application frameworks (Django, Turbogears, Pylons, etc.).

To conclude, web applications have sophisticated the world of business to a great extent which is the reason why a bulk of web app frameworks have mushroomed in the global fray. While the selection of a preferred framework depends on the expertise of the developer, there are quite a few names in this domain that have been embraced by open arms by application development groups as well as individual professionals the world over. Some most valuable frameworks in this context that are all set to proliferate even further in the forthcoming times include those based on PHP, Ajax. JavaScript MVC and so on.

Finoit commits itself toward developing interactive and innovative web applications with the help of latest web development frameworks prevalent in the industry. We have been the reason behind successful and totally functional web apps for numerous of our clients; you could well be the next beneficiary in this regard.

To avail our web application development services and be the change in your respective niche, feel free to contact us anytime. We are always there for your assistance.

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