We Want Know Wednesday...Second Edition
By Hollyshaun0528
{1} You have been asked to give a 10 minute speech to teenage girls. What is it about?Balance. I've learned "all things in moderation, including moderation" is truly wise advice. {2} Do you have a pet? Tell us about them. No pets? Why?Turbo. He's our wild cat and we love, love, love him.
{3} What is the biggest inconvenience about the place you’re currently living?My bank is too far away, but I'm not switching banks because we're with the schools' credit union. {4} What do you think is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?This one's easy - Dawson. We considered not following through with the pregnancy at the time. But that would've been the worst decision ever and I know that now.
{5} What are the THREE "nevers" of your life? (things you would never do or have never done)I've never had a Big Mac, nor do I desire to.I will never own a dog. It's a phobia. I know it's irrational. That doesn't make it non-existent. Plus, I don't care to clean up after one.I will never know what it's like to have only one child. My twins came first so I've always had either two or three. This doesn't really bother me, but I couldn't help but think about it when I saw this question.