We Think of Ourselves as Peace-Loving People

Posted on the 04 June 2017 by Morage @kebmebms

I think that, if you asked most Americans, they would say and agree we are, in fact, a "peace-loving" people. Definitely.
But there is this--

The U.S. Is Still No.1 at 

Selling Arms to the World

And this--

America's Arms Exports Dominate 

Despite Global Competition

And this--

The US Government Is Literally 

Arming the World

And that's all external to the nation. This is how we are internally--

U.S. Has More Guns - And Gun Deaths - 

Than Any Other Country

Which brings us today to this latest study.

U.S. ranked the 114th most peaceful nation on earth says annual global ranking
The title seems clumsy since it's ranking "most peaceful" yet we are, nationally, down to the number 114 spot. 
A brief summary of the study:
"The U.S. declined the most in an annual study of global peace that cites political turbulence, deteriorating press freedom, a public perception of increasing crime and corruption, and less acceptance of minorities... The U.S. dropped 11 places to the 114th most peaceful country out of 161 in the index published by The Institute of Economics and Peace."
So note:  we're at the 114th spot OUT OF 161 NATIONS. We're in the bottom half. And WE DROPPED 11 PLACES from the previous study.
Armenia and Rwanda are just in front of America on the list, El Salvador and China follow.
And who are the "most peaceful" nations?
“Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. It is joined at the top of the index by New Zealand, Portugal, Austria, and Denmark.
Huh. All Socialist Democracies. Imagine that. Them and all their greater wealth equality. Looks clearly like it does make a difference after all.
And that's not all.
Most U.S. allies are in the top-20 of the index, including Canada, Japan, Australia, Ireland and Germany.
Again. All Socialist.
Go figure.
Oh, and let's not forget. All hail, the NRA.

Beware the USA: the world's leading warmonger

Jimmy Carter Says United States is the World's Number One Warmonger

America: The World's Warmonger

America and Americans: The World's Warmonger