We Run, and They Run.. אנו רצים והם רצים

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Runners who participate in marathon and half marathon races are given a sticker they can proudly display, boasting of their accomplishments and perhaps inspiring some.
The stickers are fairly well known, and you probably see them on car bumpers around town wherever you live.
This is what they look like:

or some variation of that.. sometimes marathon organizers design their own unique sticker for their specific marathon...
Somebody came up with a great idea.. I don't know if they thought of it because of the we run, they run reference, but the Daf Yomi Portal has designed a sticker for people who learn daf yomi..

There are similarities in the fulfillment of these accomplishments... they both take tremendous will power and determination, endurance and commitment to finish.
אנו רצים והם רצים
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