For a Government that is fixated on reducing the budget deficit, it seems very eager to throw away money.
As a member of the European Union, Britain is just as entitled to aid in the event of a any other member: EU spending does not exclusively support poorer countries. Even Germany, which is praised as Europe’s economic powerhouse, was happy to claim EU support when the Rhine flooded in 2013. There is no stigma attached to claiming back some of our multibillion payment towards the European government. So why have British ministers refused tens of millions of EU funds that became available following the explosion in demand for foodbanks. And why are some Conservatives resisting moves to draw on the EU solidarity fund to boost support for victims of the English floods?
It could be pride. Conservative ministers might not want to “take” money from an institution they are suspicious of at best, and loathe at worst. But it is unjust for ministers to condemn foodbank and flood support claimants to a limited service merely because of their anti-European convictions. It’s like a parent refusing to claim Child Benefit whilst their children go without shoes. Any rationalist will tell you that, in an emergency, the greatest concern should be resolving it, not avoiding whatever emotional complex one might have.
Alternatively, the Coalition might be worried about accepting EU help because it would constitute a confession that these problems do exist, and they have not been solved by the UK government. Undoubtedly, that is a political risk. However, the risk of the government seeming apathetic to the plight of large numbers of voters is, I would argue, much greater. And it’s harder to be more apathetic than to refuse free money. When the country is supposedly bankrupt. That doesn’t look concerned at all.