We Need Your Support to Mail Out the Earth First! Journal

Posted on the 21 May 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by EF!J Collective

All you lovers of print media know we have been playing hard to get lately, leaving you longing for our touch, as it offers an escape from the cesspool of online media burning your retinas… Rest assured, we are ready to once again feel the caress of your filthy hands, as the ink of our pages stains your fingers, smearing with the dirt, sap, train grease and the incendiary fuel source of your preference…

The cover of the Brigid 2013 EF! Journal, which features 80 pages of stories on worldwide resistance to pipelines and mining, indigenous solidarity, the fusion of biocentrism and anti-oppression, sex and ecology, and so much more. Includes an original full-color poster of species impacted by the Quimbo Dam in Colombia.

The Brigid 2013 edition of the Earth First! Journal (which covers movement news and analysis between Nov 2012 and Feb 2013) is finally printed and ready to ship. And once we raise enough funds for the mailing, we think all you lucky subscribers won’t be disappointed.

What do you say? Can you spare a few bucks to help get us out into the world?