We Need Your Help!

By Jonathansfinejewelers @Jon_Siegel

We need your help.  We are going to be highlighting a different Match Made in Heaven on our blog every month, and the only for us to do that is for YOU to step forward and offer to be those couples!  So, please step up and show us your happiness by signing up here….

Now, what brought on this madness you may ask?

Well, you know how you walk into a Doctor’s office that delivers babies, or a dentist office that specializes in kids and they have a wall that has pictures of all the babies they have delivered or the kids they have done dental work on? Well I don’t have a wall of engaged couples, or even a wall of wedding and engagement rings I have designed.

Sure, people send me engagement pictures and I even get emails that say thanks and often people stop in and tell me how much they love the rings and show them off, but in this day and age, I don’t know how to print the pictures, much less can barely open them in my email!

My marketing guru came up with an idea that we highlight our customers.  I loved the idea.  But, as both she and I have reached out to you all, the response has been, how can I put this delicately, non-responsive.  So, a call to action on the blog, which I am sure you all read was the next best thing.  Here it is, my call to action.


Now, why this madness you may ask?

Without YOU Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers wouldn’t even exist.  We, and especially me, are here because of you.  I want to honor you and the marriages and matches you have made.  Is it because of me? Of course not! I would never be so bold or self-centered to think that you made the perfect match because of me, but I do believe I helped by providing a fabulous engagement ring and wedding band, which is a small cog in an otherwise fantastic relationship and life you are living!

So, to thank you, this will give you, your friends and your family a little place they can come and see it all summed up.  And, one day your kids can come here as well and maybe even purchase their rings from us too.

Now, how do you participate you may ask?

Easy, peasy! If you


We have a form that is over on that page and you just need to fill it out and you can upload your pictures right there and you are done. Then, our marketing guru, Lee Brochstein, will shoot you an email when your post goes live so you can tell everyone and put it on your Facebook page (hint hint) or tweet it if you tweet (hint hint) or blog about it if you happen to blog (MAJOR hint).

So, won’t you be our next Match Made in Heaven?