We Made It Through the Storm.

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog

Friday night we experienced a terrible storm in Maryland that left us with no power for 2 days. The 1st night wasn't so bad because it went out around 10pm, but there was no way I was staying in a hot apartment with no electricity for 2 nights in a row! We decided to go stay at my mom's house because she was lucky enough to still have power. Some people would have hated the thought of their family camping at their mom's house but I wasn't bothered at all. Sleeping on my mom's couch was not something that Ricardo and I haven't done before.  Almost 2 years ago I decided to move back to Maryland from Atlanta to work on my relationship with an ex. The relationship failed quickly and my "cousin" Ricardo was there for me to help me move my stuff to my mom's house. Ricardo understood my frustrations because a situation from his past had him temporarily living with his grandmother. We quickly went from "cousins" to lovers and I knew for a fact it was love because financially Ricardo didn't have much to offer when I needed it most. I was used to dealing with a certain type of man and Ricardo was the opposite in so many ways. Neither of us had our own place and we would spend nights together on my mother's couch. I knew some people thought I was crazy because of the type of men I dealt with in the past, but I knew in my heart that what we had was something special and we would not be on that couch for long.
We knew very quickly that we were just right for each other so we started saving money and planning on making our move. We got an apartment in the hood that I hated but it was okay because we were together. A year later and we have upgraded to a nice apartment in a lovely community and Ricardo's old Tahoe has been upgraded to 2 luxury vehicles (not brand new, but nice!) We knew that our apartment in the hood was temporary and I had so much faith in him. I knew that he would get us out of there before it was time to renew our lease, and he did.  In the past I would have never slept on my mom's couch with a man, or even be with a man who could not afford to get me my own apartment or at least pay most of my rent. But true love and faith made me take a chance on a great man who is now my husband. The reward is so much sweeter at the end when you know that everything you have came from hard work...not fast, dishonest money.  Not only did we make it through the storm this past weekend, we made it through our storm together over the past 2 years. We have so much to look forward to and I can't wait to tell Zahara these stories when she is older. Sleeping at my mom's house brought back so many memories this weekend but it felt good to be able to leave and go to our HOME.
No relationship is perfect but before marrying someone or telling them that you love them you need to ask yourself could you make it through the storm together? Would you stay with this person if they lost it all? 
Don't lose a good man because you are busy chasing lust. Everything that glitters isn't gold. You will have your time to shine with the right person if you stay patient.