We Love: London Basin Company

By Hollie Brooks @MiaFleur_home

I’ve just fallen in love – with a washbasin – of all things! I didn’t know such beauties existed, they are like works of art and now I want one, but that’s not going to happen for a while as my bathrooms are pretty new. Ah well I can but dream in the meantime, but for any of you out there in the process of designing a new bathroom, this is definitely one for the sourcebook.

Mother and daughter team, Anna and Nathalie, started London Basin Company when Anna was looking for a ‘statement’ basin in one of her interior design projects and couldn’t find what she was looking for. They then decided to join together and fill an obvious gap in the market by creating these amazing basins. Anna is an interior designer and Nathalie works in advertising and marketing so they have a great combination of skills that enabled them to develop their company.

Lorelei £650

The basins are designed by the ladies themselves as they both share a passion for interiors, and they take their inspiration from holidays and traveling together, which has to be the best excuse ever for going on holiday.

Adriana £750

The basins are manufactured in China – where the best quality and most durable porcelain is manufactured. There are two main ways of applying the pattern, ‘under the glaze’ and ‘over the glaze’. In the ‘under the glaze’ technique the pattern is applied to the clay, then the basins are glazed and fired. In the ‘over the glaze’ technique, clay washbasins are glazed and fired, then the pattern is applied and the basins are fired twice again to ensure paint durability.

Yasmin £760

A limited range but diverse designs so there is something there for any taste and style if you are looking for a table top washbasin. So deliciously tactile and curvaceous they make a real statement in the bathroom.

Jacqui x

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Images from London Basin Company