We Love: HARU Stuck-on Design

By Hollie Brooks @MiaFleur_home

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to add a splash of color or pattern to your décor without the time-consuming hassle of painting or wallpapering? Well, what if we told you that decorative washi tape is now available on a larger scale, suitable for full wall designs? Let us introduce you to HARU Stuck-on Design. Its philosophy is based on eight color families that allow for new methods of expression. You can use this adhesive tape on your walls, floors, furniture, or anything else you wish to transform for that matter. It’s made with a specially developed glue which can be easily removed without leaving a trace. There’s endless possibilities to be had and as well as its extensive color range you can also choose from two pattern families, three different materials and four different widths. To prove to you just how fab HARU Stuck-on Design is we’ve selected our favorite inventive ways in which it’s been used. Let your creativity run wild!

                                                       Interior Design by 2lg studio. Photo by Megan Taylor

                                                                        Image Credit: HARU Stuck-on Design

                                                                              Image Credit: HARU Stuck-on Design

Interior stylist @artynads has glammed up her walls by adding the fab tape on top of
her monochrome wallpaper.

Ingenious, right? How would you use the tape by HARU Stuck-on Design? We’d love to hear your ideas!

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