We Jetted Off To Thailand!

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28

Hi everyone! I was rather surprised to see that my last post was about 2 and a half weeks ago! I had a Best From The Best post scheduled last Friday but for some reason, it didn't get published and I was away with no internet and was not even aware. My apologies to anyone who was waiting for the post as promised on Facebook.
I thought I'll put in a short post today. Well, a photo heavy one actually! We jetted off to Thailand on our own (no kids), no prior experience, no intense planning! We knew we wanted to go somewhere but couldn't really decide until about 3 days prior when we decided to go to Bangkok. It was very exciting and to be honest, I just couldn't wait to practice some of the Thai basic conversational phrases that I learned years ago in Uni.
Warning: This post is choke full of silly photos. Mainly of my husband.
  Thailand's famous Tuk Tuk - The funny thing was, my friends/family gave us an idea of the average Tuk Tuk prices (it's usually agreed upon with the Tuk Tuk driver after some haggling) and most said 100 - 300 Baht (depending on distance) [AUD 3.47 - AUD  10.42] is quite reasonable. However, when I spoke in Thai language (or the very basic phrases that I knew), the Tuk Tuk driver thought I was a Thai local back home on a holiday and charged us the local rate of 10 Baht a person [AUD 0.35]. I was obviously surprised as I hadn't expected such a low rate and kept thinking I heard wrongly and we were going to get ripped off big time when we alighted. Luckily, it was all right and we chatted a bit with the Tuk Tuk driver and made friends with him. He picked us up a few more times from our hotel for other short trips.
  Peak hour traffic. Most of the time, we would be walking faster than the vehicles were moving!

We visited Madam Tussaud's wax museum in Bangkok. I have been to the one in Hong Kong previously and wasn't that keen to go again but my husband said he really wanted to go to this one as he has never been. So off we went and let's just say my husband was so excited and I got very busy taking a whole heap of (silly) pics.

We (me + other people) laughed ourselves silly when Husband posed for the obligatory pic on Oprah's couch!!

Our gorgeous pal Nicole Kidman. Or should I say my husband's date.

 Of course I get my date with George Clooney too. Only he doesn't look all that happy.

My husband sure doesn't let a good chance to pose pass him by.

Momentarily distracted by the gorgeous display at Dior.

Husband was so excited and said he had to take a pic with Ronald. It must have been past midnight when we took this pic; I took a whole minute to realize what was unique with this Ronald.
Most of our Thailand pics were at the wax museum. We were in Bangkok for 4 days and most of the days we just shopped away and didn't bother with our cameras very much.
We had such a great time in Thailand. The locals are so friendly and let's just say we came back with bags full of gifts for our family & friends.
My husband also bought a shirt as a gift for the Tuk Tuk driver which made him very happy. Bless! My husband can be very sweet like that. We forgot to take a pic with Mr. Nipon though but he did give us his contact details so we can give him a ring next time if we ever return.
Hope you enjoyed the pics and had a little laugh x