We Have Got an Allotment! :)

By Sophies Foodie

Yeahh! My husband & I got an allotment! Yes, yes! It is situated at the outskirts of Mechelen, into the full countryside! :) It is nearby where we live. Our beloved friends are in the same allotment. We got the plot since November the 1st 2014. It is a really good size, about 110-120 square meters. We have sun early in the morning, in the afternoon & at the west-side too. We have clay-loam ground. On the left-side of our plot, there is a water-well. Great, right?

There is a beehive at the end of our plot, on the left! :) Great for future blossoms, veggies to be, plants & flowers!

Like you see above, it was hugely overgrown with weeds & can you see what type of plant,…?

Me being so happy! :)

Yes, you were right,…Edible flowers that are such a pest! And these are Nasturtiums! I know, you can love or hate them,…You even can make soup out of the flowers, leaves & stalks or a special pesto!

After weeding, cutting out these edible flowers, other stuff & after a whole lot of hard work, we came to this:

We worked hard & placed down fresh horse manure for later use. Later in the year, at this large left part, we will grow a yellow & a green courgette plant.  We also will grow 2 types of pumpkins there,…Yes, like you see, there is a beehive on the left.

We put a fence up for our pruned yellow raspberries! Great, hey?

Preparing the weeded areas for Winter!

Here on the right, is a hedge of exciting bushes of redcurrant, specific ” Jonkheer van Tets! “

The surroundings!

Lovely, hey?

And finally, we have got this lovely view right opposite from our allotment! Cool, hey?

So, this is the end, my lonely friend, the end,…:)

So, further along in the year, I will give you many updates from what is growing, failing & succeeding of course too! :) xxx

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Sophies Foodie Files

Filed under: Gardening