We Have a Winner!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

. . . for FOTM’s 118th Caption Contest!

This was a great contest, with many really funny captions!

As usual, FOTM‘s writers duly voted, each for what he/she considered to be the best (#1) and second-best (#2) captions. Each #1 vote is worth 3 points; each #2 vote is worth 2 points.

And the winner of FOTM’s 118th Caption Contest, with three #1 votes, totaling 9 points, is . . .


Here is her winning caption:

Helene Pineau is in 2nd place, with one #1 vote and two #2 votes, totaling 7 points. Here’s her caption:

“Huma, are we dressing for dinner?”

Kevin J. Lankford and Scott are both in 3rd place, each with one #1 vote and 3 points. Here are their respective captions:

Tell me the truth Bill…..Does this look good for my inauguration speech?

“I am incapable of lying in this outfit”

anon, brnzfan13, Lola, Lorrona Nicholson are all in 4th place, each with one #2 vote and 2 points. Here are their respective captions:

If you think this is ugly…and you want to see real naked power…you know who to vote for.

Huma’s reoccurring dream.

Fat Thighs Matter

Now that I look like Michael Jackson will you give me the Black vote?

Well done, everyone!

Congratulations, squirrelmistress!

Here’s your fancy-schmancy Award Certificate of Great Excellence, all ready for framing! LOL


For all the other caption submissions, go here.

Be here tomorrow for our next very exciting Caption Contest!

Seen any good pics that you think would be great for our Caption Contest? Email them to us! 

