We Have a Winner!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

. . . for FOTM’s 9oth Caption Contest!

This was a VERY difficult contest for FOTM writers to pick a winner because there were so many really funny and clever captions. But we each did our duty and voted for what we each considered to be the #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 3 points; every #2 vote is worth 2 points.

And the winner of the 90th world-famous FOTM Caption Contest, with three #1 votes and one #2 vote, totaling 11 points, is . . . .


Here’s her winning caption:

BobToonist is our 2nd-place runner-up with three #2 votes, totaling 6 points. Here is his caption:

A Swine among Pearls…….

dsfadsfgafgf is in 3rd place, with one #1 vote and one #2 vote, totaling 5 points. Here’s the caption:

Five Brownies one Shit!

jim is in 4th place, with two #2 votes, totaling 4 points. Here’s his caption:

michelle usually makes me wear a bra and panties with my tiara….this is a relief.

Another BobToonist caption, ferkindik, h hutto, another Lola caption, and Michael are all in 5th place, each with one #1 vote, totaling 3 points each. Here are their respective captions:

(Fictional) Poll reveals that one out of six Americans are struggling to get in touch with their hidden “Inner Gender”. The same poll states that American men are attracted to “women in uniform”….. and shiny objects.

Latest POTUS Snafu — Obama appears in photo op last week with alleged victims of Sandy Hook.

Reggie, this smile is for you!

For just one second, President Obama pretended to have White Privilege.

Enough of this princess game, let’s go easy bake the dog.

cynkading and Linn K. are in 6th place, each with one #2 vote, totaling 2 points each. Here are their respective captions:

“Let’s all put our crowns on and see who is the prettiest”

“I’m a ‘Brownie!”

Well done, everyone!

Congratulations, Lola!

Here is your fancy-schmancy Award Certificate of Great Excellence, all ready for framing! LOL


For all the other caption submissions, click here.

Be here tomorrow for our next very exciting Caption Contest!

Seen any good pics that you think would be great for our Caption Contest? Email them to us! 

