"We Have a President Whose Self-esteem and Regal Taste for Power is Exceeded Only by His Naivety About the Rest of the World."

Posted on the 05 March 2013 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Ralph Peters with a sobering look at Obama's handing of foreign policy:

Like Garbo, President Obama wants to be left alone.

The world annoys him. His personal interests and political agenda are domestic in focus: “An economy that works for everybody” (without everybody working for the economy, of course) is his dream. But foreign-policy crises will be his second-term nightmare.

Obama and his party behave as isolationist Republicans did in the 1930s, when they refused to take Hitler or Japanese imperialism seriously. Obama’s infamous Cairo speech, pandering to Islamists and Israel-haters, is likely to be seen by historians in a light similar to Charles Lindbergh’s giddy infatuation with the Nazis.

And Benghazi was strictly trouble on training wheels.

We have a president whose self-esteem and regal taste for power is exceeded only by his naivety about the rest of the world. Now the question isn’t whether we’ll face foreign crises — perhaps, disasters — but which crisis will strike first or hit the hardest.

Allowing for the threat that comes unexpectedly from left field (Mother Nature is the ultimate terrorist) and accepting that any estimate of dangers can change sharply overnight, here are the key “known knowns” among the enemies who wish us and freedom ill...

Mr. Peters goes on to chronicle, from Russia to Mexico, Afghanistan to Syria, China to Iran, the hot spots around the globe that promise trouble ahead and that need attention from a President seemingly suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder.

Read the whole thing.

Sober up.


Not necessarily in that order.

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