my dog and i have a dream. she dreams about chasing cats and bunny rabbits and I dream about hot… oh not that kind of dream, she says… wouldn’t it be great in life if you could tell the honest guys and gals from the dishonest guys and gals? well read on…
How would you feel if the group you were donating to because they promised to be there for the animals actually sent the neediest ones to a place which neglected, abused, and then killed them? How would you feel if the animal rights group you supported was using your donations to poison “healthy” and “perfect” animals? Would you be upset? Would you feel sick to your stomach? Would you feel betrayed? If you donate to PETA, HSUS or the ASPCA that is exactly how you should feel…
”Truth in advertising”
Ten out of ten pets surveyed indicated that they would prefer crate training to a ride in the PETA death van. Ten out of ten pets surveyed would prefer eating treats bought at the Piggly Wiggly over being thrown dead into the dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly. Apparently, opposing No Kill shelter reforms isn’t crazy enough for them, the wingnuts at PETA also find it necessary to show how little they know about the care of pets that are actually, you know, still breathing, that they are campaigning against the use of crates. Above is an actual PETA ad that has been edited for truthfulness. ~Valerie Hayes
Let us abolish the pound!
Today, the number one cause of death for healthy dogs and cats in the U.S. is the local animal shelter. Moreover, the first time many animals experience neglect or abuse for the first time is at the very institution that is supposed to protect them from it—the local shelter. Had shelters never existed, and it was proposed that a system of abusive death camps be opened to round up and kill millions of animals every year, how many of us would support such a notion? How many of us would argue that the homeless animals for whom there was hope, whom we saw being fed, cared for and even adopted by our neighbors, would be better off entering a facility where they are likely to be abused and likely to be killed? In fact, over 150 years ago, when the impounding and killing of homeless animals was a new concept, the great Henry Bergh, founder of the animal protection movement in North America, fought the existence and proliferation of such institutions, arguing that stray dogs should be left alone, once famously asserting, “Let us abolish the pound!”
Join me in a thought experiment:
Twelve years ago, there were none. Today, 94 communities representing about 300 cities and towns across America have save rates between 90% and 99% and the numbers continue to grow. In fact, in 2012, over one new community per week achieved a save rate above 90%. The No Kill revolution is on the march.
Please join over 30 other speakers at the No Kill Conference in Washington, D.C. this summer as we celebrate those achievements and teach you how to do the same in your community.
Register this month to get the early registration discount, to get the rescue group discount, to get the shelter discount, to get the student discount and to get the municipal shelter director discount.
Learn more:
What kind of world do YOU want to live in? A world where pit bulls are killed because of the way that they look? A world where the innocent victims of dog fights, the dogs, and abused plus responsible owners and their dogs are threatened, jailed or killed instead of the dog fighters and abusers being held accountable for their crimes.
What does your conscience tell you to do?
We are a nation of animal lovers, and we, and the animals we love, deserve better. We deserve shelters that reflect our progressive and compassionate values, not thwart them. We now have a solution to shelter killing and it is not difficult, expensive, or beyond practical means to achieve. Only one thing stands in the way of its widespread implementation: a deeply troubled and dysfunctional animal protection movement that undermines the effort at every turn. Through the No Kill movement, we can create a country in which it is illegal to kill animals who enter shelters. We can create a country in which children are raised with higher expectations for the treatment of animals—and an understanding and acceptance that animals have legal rights. And we can establish powerful advocates for the well-being of animals in every community by reclaiming the thousands of shelters across our nation, and reorienting them away from killing and back to their founding missions: to advocate for and save animals.