So…I’m 23 now. I feel good about this age and year. On my actual birthday the girls took me to the sauna as well as out for birthday cake flavored drinks. My friend is in one of the bands at the bar we went to on the ship and they played me “Happy Birthday.” It was very sweet.One of the singers turned 30 the day before my birthday and we decided to have a huge party together. The theme was “Let’s Have A Kiki.” If you don’t know what that is, I suggest you Google the song by Scissor Sisters or Glee’s version of it. Basically we dressed up like crazy people and danced around all night long. Loryn filmed everyone dancing and is now working on our own video to go with the song that will hopefully be finished's pretty insane ; ) The cast got me a really nice present that I’ve had my eye on, Burberry Brit perfume as well as phone and internet cards. Our cruise director made me this amazing raw apple pie that I love and I even got a card from the captain. It was a fun night!