“We Don’t All See the World the Same. The World Could Be Imagined, Could Be Real, You Don’t Know – but There’s Something Magical in That, and You Have to Make That Imaginative Leap.” -Petit

By Kina_lillet
Yesterday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the opening of an art exhibit by one of Nassau's artists, Jackson Petit. Since my arrival to New Providence, and having already seen an earlier group exhibition showcasing the work of Popop Studios' veteran artists, I heavily anticipated this one. The idea of attending a solo exhibition -one where I could focus on the creations of a single artist- offered a different, yet equally present feeling of anticipation just as I had experienced with previous group exhibitions. Needless to say, The Surface Beneath is a wonderful demonstration of aesthetically pleasing and intricate art.
This exhibit was award to Petit after winning the 2011 Central Bank of The Bahamas' 28th Annual Art Cometition in the Open/Senior category. Here is his winning piece, entitled Beautiful Monsters. Petit's work is being showed now until the 28th of this month at Central Bank of The Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas.

Peaceful Vision / Acrylic on canvas 

Rooty | The Mystical Woman / Acrylic on canvas

Rooty | The Mystical Woman / Acrylic on canvas