At work this morning a client of mine inquired to me “Why are you always so happy?”
A lot of people are stressed on their jobs I never feel that sort of tension or strain while I’m engaging in my tasks and dealing with other individuals. If anything, I use my occupations as an outlet or an adventure especially when I enjoy what I do.
Of course, work sometimes includes demands and inconvenience but in the end its worth the efforts that I venture towards.
By nature I’ve always been a bubbly/high-spirited person others have also described me as being animated, lively and full of life and sometimes, excitement. Even during times of tribulation I manage to naturally keep my composure and upbeat attitude.
When we have positive energy surrounding us and we’re around good vibration it only enhances the mood to bring out the best within us and that is a very healthy and rewarding sense of contentment and pleasure.
I’m also fiery and some will mistake that passion for anger when its just the essence of my inborn force and drive. Sure I can be vicious when I get heated but for the most part I’m a very strong-willed, energetic, and determined person I can’t help it that is just who I am and who I have always been, and I will always continue to be that way without apology.