We Are Going on Holiday - Preparation

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
Ben, Maxwell and I are so excited as we are going on holiday in June. We are going to Bluestone in Wales so it will be a long journey for us as we live in the New Forest in Hampshire. I think it very important to plan what we will need for the journey and what to take with us as we all want to enjoy ourselves.

I must admit I have bought lots of new clothes for Maxwell ... and a few for myself. As we will be going swimming I will include swimming nappies, arm bands, a float, sun hats, a UV sun protection suit and high factor sun protection (just in case the weather is very kind to us). I have also included a special Huggies Swimming Mat which means that Maxwell will not have to lay/stand on any cold, wet floors in the changing rooms. We will take the pushchair and parasol for Maxwell although he much prefers to walk, just incase he gets too tired when we are out and about. I will pack Maxwell a back pack with his favorite toys but also will include some small books, a colouring book and some crayons. I think it important to include a small first aid kit and anti-bacterial hand wash also just incase any accidents happen whilst we are out and about or just incase we sit down to eat. We do not want to be picking up any nasty germs.

We are planning to make several stops during our journey so that Maxwell can stretch his legs. We will take some story/song CDs to keep Maxwell entertained I will take my tablet also so Maxwell is able to play some games which I plan on downloading. He may take a nap so a light blanket will be included. We will also take a bag of snacks and drinks just in case we get caught in traffic, however we can also stop off at the service station for food if needs be.
Maxwell is normally a great sleeper at home, so I think we may take his travel cot with us. I will also take his bedding, a small night light and his favorite toy to take to bed.The company do not provide baths with their rooms, so I am trying to make Maxwell use a shower at home so he gets used to them. If Maxwell dislikes showers, we may have to find a special little travel bath for him to use.

We will take our camera with us so we can take lots of photos to record our first holiday with a toddler and I may take my laptop as there is free Wifi there so I can blog about our first toddler holiday experience as well as Instagram it whilst it is actually happening.
It is all so exciting ... Have you any suggestions of what we should include? Have you been to Bluestone and if so what activities would you reccomend?
This is part of a series of posts I shall be writing about our holiday to Bluestone in Wales. We have been given the opportunity to review Bluestone and have been given a free holiday however everything in these posts are my own honest opinions