We Are Creatures of Our Time and Place

Posted on the 31 March 2016 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
I was born in June 1963 just outside of New York City.
Sally and Buddy and Laura and Rob were dancing it up in New Rochelle on The Dick Van Dyke Show that day.
But those of us in the United States, born in the mid-sixties, essentially grew up during the Vietnam War and went to college when Reagan took office.
Almost every Jew that I knew was a liberal, as am I. My father was born in 1920 in the Ukraine but grew up in Brooklyn. He went to war in the Central Pacific and handed out Coke to the guys in  Eniwetok and the Central Pacific.  He had me late in life.  He said that he never met a Jew opposed to Franklin Roosevelt until he became an accountant.
Makes sense to me.
The Jewish people need to be free.
We are the only people on the planet that the Left denies sovereignty.
This is racist.
This is wrong.
And the Jewish people are the only people that they hold this standard toward.