Wayne La Pierre

Posted on the 04 July 2013 by Mikeb302000
A recent biography of NRA Fuhrer Wayne LaPierre shows light on his character that reveals why he is so rabid on the topic of guns and their control. 
The new book entitled ‘LaPierre- Assault Mouth’, contains the following passages:

Chapter 2, page 32, describes a shrieking 6 year old LaPierre running rampant with a scissors in his hand. His teacher, Maura Tarala, trying to take it from him, suddenly found she had a miniature Tasmanian Devil on her hands.

“Wayne! Put that scissors down right now before you hurt somebody!”
No, I don’t have to!”

“Oh, yes you do, little man! I am the teacher!”

“You do not have full Congressional authority to do that! I have my rights!”

“Look here, you little brat. I am the authority here! You will do as I say and put those scissors down!”

“I will not! I don’t recognize your authority!”