Wayne Allyn Root on the Suicide Bomber in the White House

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Wayne Allyn Root

I told you so. Forget ISIS. Forget Al Queda. Forget Putin. Forget China. The worst threat to America is Barack Hussein Obama.

I’ve screamed from the highest mountains for almost seven long years now that we have a suicide bomber in the White House. Obama is dive-bombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings Airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago.
Except this isn’t one plane and a couple hundred souls. Obama is taking the entire American economy and all of us down with him.

I’ve told everyone and anyone who would listen for almost seven years that Obama is following the exact plan he learned as my college classmate at Columbia University Class of ’83. The plan is called “Cloward-Piven.”

The plan is simple: to destroy capitalism and “American exceptionalism” you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to halt, full-time jobs are killed, businesses fail in record numbers, the middle class is murdered financially, the debt implodes and the economy is overwhelmed.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency.

To make this plan work Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you.

How does this end? According to Cloward-Piven a majority of Americans wind up dependent on government, they vote out of desperation for whatever political party promises to keep the checks coming or better yet, expand the checks. Then slowly, like boiling a frog who doesn’t realize what’s happening until he’s dead, capitalism dies. The very same people destroyed by government are now dependent on government to survive, they beg government to save them, and that opens the door to a Big Brother socialist economic system.

It’s happening right in front of our eyes.

You don’t have to believe me. Just look at the evidence. The proof came in last Friday. The first quarter GDP growth was NEGATIVE. This is proof that the plan is working. The US economy is in reverse. We are in quicksand and we’re all drowning. Obama is taking us down like a suicide bomber.

These aren’t opinions. This is a fact. Now you just have to decide based on the evidence of a dying economy after almost seven years under Obama…

Is Obama an ignorant incompetent idiot…dangerous to himself and everyone around him…or a purposeful suicide bomber out to destroy America and capitalism. Because it’s either it’s one or the other.

Here are the facts. The first quarter GDP (Gross Domestic Product) – which is the measurement of our economy- was just revised on Friday to negative 0.07%. This number is a disaster.

But this isn’t some aberration or outlier. This is the entire Obama presidency. Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%. Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this. http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/terence-p-jeffrey/blame-it-global-cooling-obama-has-lowest-average-1stq-gdp-growth-any

Let me repeat: This is the worst seven-year record in the history of America’s recorded GDP.

Obama is also the only president in history to have produced four separate first quarters that were negative. We started measuring GDP in 1947. Obama is certainly one of a kind…a trendsetter. He is setting records for disaster and futility never before imagined in the greatest country in world history. And guess what? We’re all going along for the ride. I hope you buckled your seatbelt.

Yet no one appears willing to say out loud and on the record that something is very wrong…that this isn’t normal.
No one is willing to say this isn’t possible to do by mistake. No one is willing to suggest there is a madman…a suicide bomber at the controls, taking our economy and country down just like that German pilot dive-bombed that plane into the ground two months ago.

Want more proof? The average first quarter GDP since measurements began in 1947 was 4.0%.
Under Harry Truman it was 4.5%.
Under Eisenhower it was 3.2%.
Under Kennedy it was 4.9%.
Under LBJ it was 8.3%.
Under Nixon 5.3%.
Under Ford 2.3%.
Under Carter 2.4%.
Under Reagan 2.1% (and that was because Reagan inherited disaster from Carter).
Under HW Bush it was 2.9%.
Under Clinton 2.6%.
Under George W. Bush 1.7%.

Under Obama here are the seven 1st quarters:

Let me repeat- that’s the worst record in recorded history. That’s the only NEGATIVE average in recorded history. That’s the only time we’ve had four negative first quarters in history.

What’s the excuse? Winter? Cold weather in the first quarter? Really? So America didn’t have winter under Truman or JFK or LBJ? Winter is a new phenomenon that only effects Obama’s first quarter? Even more compelling, don’t Canada, Russia and China have winter in the first quarter too? So how come their GDP growth isn’t affected by winter?

Here’s the thing folks. Economists are saying the second quarter doesn’t look much better. Last I checked there is no winter in April, May and June. So why is this quarter off to the same kind of start? Why did all of this economic decline happen while gas prices plummeted? Economists predict a “windfall” for consumers because of lower gas prices. Yet the economy dive bombed and consumer spending stalled- even with cheap gas prices.

It’s clear “who” and “what” is to blame. The who is a suicide bomber in the White House named Barack Obama. The what is “Cloward-Piven.” Obama has exploded spending, entitlements, dependency, regulations and debt to destroy capitalism and the US economy. He has set world records in each of those categories- the most spending ever, the most entitlement spending ever, the most regulations and cost of regulations ever, the most debt ever created in world history. Cloward-Piven.

The facts are in. The results are in. No one could be this stupid. No one could be this ignorant. No one could produce a record this bad by mistake. It isn’t possible. We clearly have a suicide bomber in the White House.

Wayne Allyn Root, a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, is one of the most popular political and media stars in America. His columns and commentaries are read at the biggest political & news web sites in America- including FoxNews.com. He makes regular appearances at Fox News Channel, and hundreds of radio stations across the country. Wayne is a Capitalist Evangelist, entrepreneur and small businessman, home-school dad, best-selling author, and Tea Party Libertarian conservative. His web site: http://www.ROOTforAmerica.com