Wattle On

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It’s no secret that I’ve blogged about the craft-wattle twice now; once when I made pom-pom wattle on kebab skewers as a table decoration with my children, and another time when I found an old native flower cross stitch.  Well finally, at long last, the weather has got cold enough that the wattle tree in our garden has begun to flower.   When I say cold, by international standards you will groan; yesterday at lunchtime it was about 18 degrees Celsius (that’s 64.4 degrees F) - I consider that pretty nippy! As you can see in the picture, wattle, Australia's native flower, really does look like pom poms or yellow dots, as shown in my previous blog posts; I wasn’t merely taking artistic liberties or short cuts! My girls are calling, so I’m off to explore the wonders of the great outdoors with them, to go scavenger hunt colours, sort shapes, makes piles of leaves from biggest to smallest, and generally try to sneak some learning experiences into the general curiosity of preschooler playing... so until next time... go check out what your national flower is and see how you can turn it into a crafting wonder! x