Waterproof (Fair)phone?

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture

My phone and I have a love-hate relationship. I love it to bits but seem to manage to loose or damage it almost on a daily basis. I left it in restaurants, trains and have dropped it in so many different substances you can probably prepare a meal with what's in/on it (lasagna with custard and coffee anyone?) Unfortunately I have also dropped it in the loo. Multiple times. Straight from the back pocket of my jeans into the -clean!- water. ..

But I'm not alone, all of my friends have done the same. Maybe not as many times as I have, but still, they all have had the pleasure of having to do a "lucky dip" at least once. Makes you wonder when the first water proof phone will be developed. There obviously is a market for it. 

My most recent loo-experience was only a week ago with my 3 week old phone. After 24 hours in a bag of rice, with it's flash on as I could not switch it off, it was working again. But according to my friends it will only be a short term recovery. So I'll soon be up for a new one and with having such a quick turnover I think I will go for a sustainable one: the Fairphone!  


Fairphone: Pre-order explanation animation from Fairphone on Vimeo.

 It's a phone made of conflict-free resources, produced in a factory with good working conditions, comes with a full life cycle to avoid any E-waste,  and has a cool design and all the technical specs you could wish for.

I can't wait for my phone to completely break down and maybe I should speed up the process a bit! Should not be too difficult for me! I just wonder if the fairphone is waterproof....

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