Water Weekend

By Daisyjd

On Monday’s I often begin writing a post discussing our weekend shenanigans before second guessing myself, thinking “nobody wants to read about *someone else’s* weekend) and then I go around and around wondering if I should even type out the itinerary, every-dutiful.

And then I remember, I blog for me, and so, yeah I’d like to remember how I spent my days, as unexciting to others as they might be.

So! The weekend! Saturday had the makings of total craziness when you glanced at the shared Google calendar…but then a few things shook out differently than anticipated and it ended up quite nicely. Notably we cancelled our plans to drive to Ann Arbor for the Michigan game (ugh…thank goodness, what a terrible game) because it was Gracie’s first swim lesson and there were 30 people on the wait list, so I was convinced if we didn’t show up, we’d lose our slot. I have no idea if this is/was true or not, but we went and it was a good time. That said class is an hour long which showed itself on the 10 minute drive home when Gracie conked out 2 hours before nap time, sobbed into her lunch and was eventually put in her crib without eating where she fell into a really, really deep sleep. Poor pie. Once she was up we went over to visit with our old nanny share family- the kiddos ran around, the adults watched the aforementioned terrible football game and we caught up on life happenings over some hot corn dip and cheese and fruit.

Sunday we decided to take advantage of some aquarium passes we had been given and we took Gracie to check out where the fish live. She had a great time, but it did highlight the fact that children do not have the attention span of adults, and are often easily entertained by the basics, such as stroller buckles and pushing the stroller, rather than, say, A SHARK TANK.

Also the shark tank is the place to ditch one’s hair bow.

We had a really good time despite the fast pace through the exhibits, and Gracie debuted a new skill of backwards walking on the trip, something she was bound and determined to master with pizzazz before we headed back to the car. This would have been a lot more fun of she had eyes in the back of her head, but since she doesn’t we spent some time steering her around obstacles and trying to convince her that forward walking was the way to go.

It was. all in all, a really nice weekend. Despite more mediocre football outcomes (come *on* Tulane and Michigan….) I’d repeat if given the chance. The week ahead looks busy and I’m already looking forward to next Friday.