Grey Squirrel
The month of October is distinctive amongst the others as it is the only month that is fully submerged in the short season of autumn. The leaves are changing colour and turn from bright green to yellow, orange and red before they finally break away from their branches and pile up high on the forest floor. By now, all of the migrating birds will have headed south and small mammals are continuing to forage for the last few morsels to add to their winter stashes.
It is at this time of year as the nights close in earlier and the climate becomes damper and colder that species rarely seen at other times of the year begin flourish in these decaying conditions. Numerous fungi species spring up from amongst the debris on the forest floor and on rotting logs and tree stumps. It is also during this month when wildlife becomes most exposed in the forest as the trees shed their leaves and begin to shut down for the winter ahead.
Red Deer
Tawny Owl
Garden Orb Spider
Violet Ground Beetle
Bladderwrack Seaweed
Spangle Galls
Beefsteak Fungus