Watch: Warpaint – ‘Disco//Very – Keep It Healthy’ Official Video

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by The Raccoon @TheRaccoonUK

Been waiting restlessly for the first music videos to surface from Warpaint’s second album? You’re in luck, because a DOUBLE one has just been released.

One video, two tracks, four girls. The first part is designated for the snarling sneer that is ‘Disco//Very’, and it features the band walking, dancing, singing, spinning, doing pretty much whatever down a lovely looking road while an awkward skateboarder goes about his business. It’s all very DIY and A-Level Media, but it’s obvious that the girls don’t really care, and as always, it looked like they had a blast anyway.

Goofing down a street does get tiring, we all know that, so once the sun sets and darkness is cast over Warpaint’s LA suburb of bohemia, they have a little chill by a skate park for the ‘Keep It Healthy’ segment of the video.

Not only are these skateboarders, these are professional skateboarders, featuring Justin Eldridge, Patrick Melcher, Kris Markovich, Rob Smith and Victor Zanoni, and it was directed by pro skateboarder Laban Pheidias. Cool rad.

And to top things off? We even see Emily and Theresa do a bit of boarding themselves.

Watch the video below!