Watch Out, Watch Out There's a Man About!!

By Sue15cat

A jokey stocking filler bought by Lovely Hubby for me at Christmas, and now it's about to come true .... but we've both been looking forward to this happening for the last three and a half years  :-)
With the flat about to be occupied so it's self financing and most of the big expenditure out of the way for the small holding it's time for LH to step away  from his weekly round trip of ten hours drive and do what work he has to do from home.  Visiting base only as and when he really needs to.  The plan has come together .... phew!!

There will be more of him around the place mid-week, cleaning the solar panels, helping with the heavy stuff, bee keeping, woodworking, animal rearing ... whenever he is not ensconced in our office here that is because he will still have about twenty hours of 'his day job' to do each week, that will bring in some income for the next year.

He'll be able to drink in the views of home while he works, instead of daydreaming of home stuck in a busy work environment.

But I won't always keep him up ladders .... unless he's very naughty  ;-)

Sue xx