Watch: New Warpaint Teaser

Posted on the 08 October 2013 by The Raccoon @TheRaccoonUK

Details are scarce regarding Warpaint’s feverishly anticipated sophomore album. Since The Fool, back in 2010, the band have lay reasonably low but it seems they are gearing up for a release in the imminent future. To whet some appetite, they’ve released a teaser clip for ‘Love Is To Die’, a track that’s been doing the rounds as part of their live set and is presumably going to be on their upcoming album. Directing the clip is none other than Chris Cunningham, known for his work with a certain Aphex Twin as well as some creepy adverts for the Playstation 2 (if you’re young enough to not know about them, get on YouTube right away). Watch the clip below and remind yourself of their short U.K tour later this month, for which tickets are still available (yep, really).

October Tour
27th – Leeds O2 Academy
28th – Glasgow O2 Academy
29th – Manchester Academy
30th – London O2 Academy Brixton