Watch: Minecraft Played Using Oculus Rift and Virtuix Omni Gaming Treadmill

Posted on the 05 July 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

3D virtual gaming could actually be the future of video games and Oculus Rift has already laid the foundation for that. Games are already being specially made to fit in with this virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display and it has also inspired other companies to take a shot at this next-gen gaming technology. Virtuix Omni multidirectional gaming treadmill is one those new gadgets that aims to give a boost to gadgets like Oculus Rift, which allows you to move/walk naturally inside a game.

This video shows what it’s like to play Minecraft using these two awesome gadgets. Check it out after the jump.

[Via: Joystiq / Source: YouTube]
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Roshan Jerad Perera