Watch Dogs 2 Takes You To San Francisco Bay Area, Watch The Announcement Here

Posted on the 09 June 2016 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


The game will also feature a lot of cool new stuff, like parkour gameplay, RC cars, Quadcopter drones, 3D-printed weapons, and much more.

Here’s the official synopsis for the game:

Watch_Dogs 2 is an open world action-adventure game where the San Francisco Bay Area is your living playground and hacking is your weapon to bend the city – and its people – to your will. Step into the shoes of Marcus Holloway, a brilliant hacker, and journey to pull off the Hack of the Century: a crippling shutdown of ctOS 2.0, an invasive technology used by the powerful to silently control everyday citizens.

I loved Watch Dogs. Despite its glitches and bugs, the emotional and compelling storytelling of the game had me hooked from the beginning. Not to mention Aiden Pearce was also a badass with a cool attitude. Most of which I don’t see in this new title.

Watch Dogs 2 hits PS4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on November 15, 2016.

Check out the full announcement video after the break.

[Via: Ubisoft Blog]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera