Watch: ‘Cyntoia Brown’ The Girl Behind Rihanna’s Viral Instagram Post

By Firstladyb
Who is Cyntoia Brown, is what Rihanna’s Instagram post left us asking.
Cyntoia Brown was 16 years old when she was sentenced to life in prison for killing the man who was sexually abusing her.
At 16 years old, Cyntoia Brown was forced into a life of prostitution.

The teenage girls sexual encounters had included many rapes, assaults during or before sex, and times when she was under the influence of drugs. The teenage girl had a physically and sexually abusive pimp named “Kutthroat”, who brandished guns at her and forced her into prostitution.

In August of 2004, Cyntoia was picked up by a 43-year-old real estate agent, Johnny Allen and taken to his house.   When she arrived at Allen’s house, she found it was full of guns. The teenage girl was afraid that she would be shot, which led her to shoot and kill Allen.

Brown was sentenced to 51 years to life for first degree murder, and is serving out her time at the Tennessee Prison for Women.

Did we somehow change the definition of #JUSTICE along the way?? cause….. Something is horribly wrong when the system enables these rapists and the victim is thrown away for life! To each of you responsible for this child’s sentence I hope to God you don’t have children, because this could be your daughter being punished for punishing already!


There has been a documentary done on Brown’s story titled ‘Me Facing Life: Cyntoia’s Story’ on PBS.