Watch an Unassuming House Unfold into a Community Theater

By Dwell @dwell
The tiny city of York, Alabama, is located a three hour drive west of Montgomery, near the Mississippi border. There, artist Matthew Mazzotta has created a project with the Coleman Center for the Arts, a local organization, that's part kinetic sculpture, part architecture, and part public outdoor theater. It's called Open House and it seeks to provide York's 3,000 residents with much-needed public space. What looks to be a typical gabled house unfolds to become a 100-seat outdoor arena. Slideshow

Open House is located at 202 Main street in York, Alabama, between the city's post office and grocery store. The exterior reveals little of the 100-seat theater contained within.

Mazzotta's concept was "to transform a blighted property—a private space that is negatively impacting public space—into a public space that would serve as common ground, a space for creative exploration and expression that would bond citizens together and forge a common identity," writes Shana Berger, Co-Director of the Coleman Center. Watch a video of the project below: