Waste Not Want Not

By Sue15cat

In a 'waste not want not' moment I took three little potatoes that I found sprouting in the potato bag in the kitchen cupboard over to the polytunnel ....

... and stuck them in a large plant pot full of compost.
I was in a free potato mood as I've just harvested a few meals worth of free potatoes that had grown up in the top raised bed on the hillside.  No matter how careful I think I've been I always seem to leave a few potatoes behind when I dig up a bed, so as we weren't putting anything in this particular top bed for a while, I left them there to do their thing.  Their own thing turned out to be a large colander full of smallish but perfectly formed potatoes  :-)

I was stood at the conservatory door this morning and I thought I saw movement in the chickens food trough.

I did!!
It was this cute little squirrel, he sat there for ages contemplating something before he spotted me zooming in.
Sue xx