It is now more than two weeks since the horrible massacre of 20 little children and 6 adults in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut.
But the massacre, shocking though it was, already is beginning to recede from the news headlines and our consciousness, Americans being prone to short attention spans. Except for the Left’s exploitation of the terrible tragedy to redouble their perennial calls for “gun control.” Make hay while the sun shines! For as Obama’s former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel instructs, one should never let a crisis go to waste.
But there are those, prone to skepticism and suspicion, who are not letting Sandy Hook fade away. They are asking if Sandy Hook and other recent mass shootings (Batman and Sikh temple) are “false flag” incidents — events contrived and manipulated by government in order to provoke mass fear and panic that are then used to achieve some covert agenda.
Such skeptics are dismissed as conspiracy kooks by the establishment media. I am not a conspiracist for this reason: If they are right, it means there are people so utterly evil that they would stoop to killing innocent little children to achieve their political ends. That in turn means our government is in the hands of people so malevolent and diabolical, calling them psychopaths doesn’t even begin to describe what they are. That is a frightening thought.
No matter how dubious you and I are about the conspiracy nuts, they are asking very troubling questions that demand answers. Those questions are reducible to one:
If 20-year-old Adam Lanza indeed was the lone gunman who single-handedly killed 28 people in Newtown (26 in Sandy Hook, as well as his mother and himself), why are there reports of other suspicious individuals at the scene?
Here are the reports:
1. In this audio recording on the night of the Sandy Hook massacre of unedited Newtown Police and Fire Dept. and Connecticut State Police radio traffic, you will hear the police referring to two strange individuals seen wearing ski masks and a nun outfit:
Beginning at the 1:34:19 mark, a male voice says “Danbury’s reporting a vehicle, a purple van, two occupants with possible ski masks that may be involved in this incident.”
At 1:35:07 into the video, referring to the two occupants in the purple van, the same male voice says “One may be wearing a nun outfit, headed toward Danbury and Stoney Hill, purple van”.
The audio recording was provided by and uploaded onto YouTube by who writes: “There is information about two occupants in a van which turned out to be either unrelated or unfounded. There is also speculation that some unintelligible radio traffic that seems to contain the word ‘Adam’ is referring to the suspect. The word Adam is the police phonetic alphabet for the letter ‘A’, often used as part of a unit identifier.”
2. In this video, an eyewitness told CBS News that he saw police lead a “grown man” “out of the woods” “in handcuffs”. The man was ”wearing camo (camouflage) pants and “a dark jacket” and was still sitting in front of the police car as they spoke. The eyewitness said as the man was led past him, the man said “I didn’t do it.”
Who is the man who was handcuffed and taken into police custody? Why didn’t CBS News follow up on this story?
3. In this video, another eyewitness, a boy, says as he and other school children “ran down to the firehouse,” he saw “a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on.” Was this the same man “wearing camo pants” whom the CBS eyewitness had seen, or is he yet another suspect?
4. Dave Hodges, who describes himself as “an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedoms Phoenix, News With Views and The Arizona Republic,” writes in the Activist Post, Dec. 28, 2012:
“Former FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, an infiltrator of Obama’s original backers from the Weathermen Underground with Bill Ayers, has also told me that the word on the street is that two teachers took down Lanza. Another unnamed source told me that there were at least 3 other shooters, not including Lanza. I must say that the evidence is compelling as we listen to the raw police radio recordings where the police are clearly stating that they have two shooters in custody, after two teachers reported seeing two shooters run by the gym.”
These reports by police (audio recording) and civilian eyewitnesses of other suspects may just be false sightings and false arrests of innocent suspects which often happen in the midst of traumatic and very chaotic events like Sandy Hook.
Or they may not.
If they are bogus, Newtown police should publicly and convincingly counter these rumors — if only to prove that “false flag” conspiracists really are nuts. But then, nearly five months after the Sikh temple shooting in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, the police still haven’t countered eyewitness reports of multiple gunmen (“a four-man team in a coordinated attack”) instead of a lone gunman, who did the killing.
Then there’s this sane-looking eyewitness who said James Holmes wasn’t alone but “had someone with him” in that dark Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Why? Because there was a second can of tear gas which didn’t come from the side of the theater where Holmes was.
Is our government capable of perpetrating these evil deeds for “false flag” purpose?
I don’t want to think so. But then I remind myself that there are human beings who are that evil. Just ask the millions of innocent men, women, and children whom the Nazis killed, and the hundreds of millions of innocent men, women, and children whom the Communists killed in the Soviet Union, People’s Republic of China, and in North Korea today….
H/t Activist Post and FOTM’s May, Tina, and Joan W.