Was Black Panther Mentioned In Your UU Congregation Today?

Posted on the 18 February 2018 by Eastofmidnight

I was going to write another post on what I think Wakanda has to teach Unitarian Universalism, but the longer I've thought about it, I need to take a step back.

One thing I know is that the Florida shooting was going to get talked about from the pulpit in UU congregations today. (and so it should) Yet, just as I'm sure about the Florida shooting being talked about, I'm almost as sure that Wakanda/Black Panther won't get notice at all in most UU congregations.

Now....some of this is the "that could have been my child" factor about the Florida shooting (oh, I could write so much about this point. but won't). And some of this is UU snobbery about cultural things that might have mainstream appeal.

But I think some of it is that the Black Panther universe is so explicitly Black that most UUs are too uncomfortable even imagining a place where whiteness is not centered. Where white people only play a small, side role in what's going on (and that role being prescribed by a smart black woman....oooo weeeee! I ain't even gonna go there).

So....was Black Panther mentioned from the pulpit in your UU congregation today?