Was Anne Frank a 'belieber'? Justin Bieber Hopes So

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
On the Facebook Anne Frank page, museum curators wrote the following today,
"Yesterday night Justin Bieber visited the Anne Frank House, together with his friends and guards. Fans were waiting outside to see a glimpse of him. He stayed more than an hour in the museum. In our guestbook he wrote: "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber." Tonight Bieber will give a concert in Arnhem in the Netherlands."
The newspaper The Scotsman reported,
Justin Bieber pays bizarre tribute to Anne Frank
Published on Sunday 14 April 2013 14:19
TENNAGE pop singer Justin Bieber has sparked controversy after writing a message in the Anne Frank house guestbook saying that he hoped she would have been a fan of his music. The 19-year-old is due to perform tonight in Arnhem, around an hour from Amsterdam, where the Anne Frank House is situated, and visited the museum on Saturday night. Staff from the museum wrote on their Facebook page: “Yesterday night Justin Bieber visited the Anne Frank House, together with his friends and guards. “Fans were waiting outside to see a glimpse of him. He stayed more than an hour in the museum. “In our guestbook he wrote: ‘Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.’” A ‘Belieber’ is the name given to the singer’s fans.
Facebook comment responses were negative. Some wrote,
"Glad he went, but, the last sentence is VERY self serving. he missed the lessons of Anne totally."
"Way to turn an inspiring moment into something about yourself."
"Here I thought it was nice of him to go and see the history of her until I read what he wrote. Have some respect Mr. Bieber for she will be famous long after your fame fizzles."
"I agree with Christel and Meghan, his comments were shallow and self-serving. He obviously has no clue what a solemn opportunity he had in visiting The House."
As a believer in Jesus Christ we cannot condemn the behavior of those who do not believe. That is the way they act. However I would think that in any solemn occasion that even non-believers would behave with a modicum of maturity the situation is due.
However the bigger issue is the co-opting of the word believer from Christianity to draw people to himself as an object of adoration. Only Jesus is worthy of adoration, and I am truly sorry on behalf of Jesus and His name that the world is more often turning into a pit of self-serving adoration among the carnally-minded.
I wrote in part yesterday about the flatteries that satan puts forth, and biggest one at present being the notion that we are like God. (Genesis 3:5). Lying prophets are constantly telling us that we have rights, (we're slaves, we don't)  we can make demands of God, (really?! Did that work out for Korah?) we can expect carnal prosperity (tell that to all the believers in India) and that we have power in our words to declare realities, even declaring ourselves clean and can stop God's plans. They tell us that our words can a bind God and that means what they are telling us is that we are equal to or more powerful than God. The lies are amazing in their monumental falsity and evil.
The modicum of civility is fast disappearing. The veneer over civilization has always been thin thanks to the thick layer of sin that totally saturates unbelievers and permeates even the believers.
Proverbs 16:18 says Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.. I can't imagine how empty Mr Bieber must feel, so self-absorbed he could not even connect for a moment with the plight of a girl from another era who now stands as a symbol of courage under persecution. Always remember, our unsaved neighbors need prayer. Mr Bieber's comment was reprehensible, but it also indicates an empty spirit devoid of meaning. He needs Jesus, as do all who are apart from Him.