Warren Wants To Cut Gun Deaths By 80% & She Has A Plan

Posted on the 12 August 2019 by Jobsanger
If there's a serious problem facing this country, Elizabeth Warren doesn't just want to talk about it -- she wants to solve it.
One of the most serious problems facing this country is the epidemic of gun violence. Last year, there were nearly 40,000 gun deaths in the United States. And the U.S. is averaging more than one mass shooting for every day of this year.
It's obvious to any rational person that something must be done to curb the epidemic of gun violence.
Senator Warren has a plan -- a very ambitious plan that she believes could cut the number of gun deaths each year by 80%.
Of course, her plan would require two things to start with (in addition to her being elected president). It would need a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate -- and it would need the Senate filibuster rule to be changed or eliminated (so a mere 41 Republican senators could not block any bills she would send to Congress).
Here is the plan she is proposing:

Enough is enough. Lasting gun reform requires the elimination of the filibuster.

Legislation to Reduce Gun Violence

When I am president, I will send Congress comprehensive legislation containing our best ideas about what will work to reduce gun violence.
It starts by ensuring that safe, responsible ownership is the standard for everyone who chooses to own a gun. We’ll do that by:
We can also do more to keep military-style assault weapons off our streets. We’ll do that by:
  • Passing a new federal assault weapons ban. The 1994 federal assault weapons ban successfully "); text-decoration: none;" href="https://www.citylab.com/equity/2013/05/more-proof-assault-weapons-ban-worked/5578/" class="bx dh lg lh li lj">reduced gun deaths but was allowed to expire ten years later. Congress should again ban the future production, sale, and importation of military-style assault weapons, and require individuals already in possession of assault weapons to register them under the National Firearms Act. Just as we did successfully with machine guns after the passage of that law, we should establish a buyback program to allow those who wish to do so to return their weapon for safe disposal, and individuals who fail to register or return their assault weapon should face penalties.
  • Banning high-capacity ammunition magazines. High-capacity magazines were used in 57% of mass shootings from 2009 to 2015, allowing the shooters to target large numbers of people without stopping to reload. Congress should enact a federal ban on large-capacity magazines for all firearms, setting reasonable limits on the lethality of these weapons.
  • Prohibiting accessories that make weapons more deadly. Gun manufacturers sell increasingly deadly gun accessories, including silencers, trigger cranks, and other mechanisms that increase the rate of fire or make semi-automatic weapons fully automatic. Congress should ban these dangerous accessories entirely.
We should also do everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of those at highest risk of violence. We’ll do that by:
If we want real, long-lasting change, we must also hold the gun industry accountable, including online sites that look the other way when sellers abuse their platforms. We’ll do that by: