Warning to Straight Men

Posted on the 19 December 2013 by Calvinthedog

A commenter from FSTDT writes:

Exactly one comment, and only one comment, implied you were a closeted homosexual. (It was written by a straight person, by the way.) This was in response to the comment quoted on the site, which included your rather arrogant, boastful, and exaggerated claim that all gay men want to sleep with you… which seemed suspiciously presumptuous, to be frank. But if you say you’re not attracted to men, I believe you.

If you are not black, but call black people “n*gger,” you are racist. If you are not gay, but call gay people “queers,” you are homophobic. Slurs about certain traits are bigoted; do you not get that?

Gays do not recruit or convert. Sexuality is not a choice, and anyone – gay or straight – who says otherwise is ignorant. The only people who are attracted to men AND women are bisexuals. There might be a handful of gay men that attempt to “turn straight men gay,” much like the handful of straight people who try to convert gays to heterosexuality, but in both cases they are a tiny minority. To claim they represent all gay men is dishonest in the extreme.

(Note: Even Exodus International, along with several other “ex-gay” ministries, has admitted that conversion either way is nothing more than a fraud or hoax.)

I have several gay friends, and I spend quite a lot of time with them. They have never tried to “convert” me, despite the compliments I received about my looks when I first met them. They did set me up with my current girlfriend, however.

Perhaps you would get less flak from people like the members of FSTDT if you didn’t insist on bearing false witness quite so blatantly.

Yes they do convert! They convert, they recruit, and they obsessively prey on straight men, especially young, very good-looking, “pretty,” soft-spoken, non-macho, quiet, sensitive straight men. Those guys are just bait dangling in front of their leering queer faces.

How do I know this? Because it has been my experience! Not only that, but it has been the experience of multiple friends of mine. The friends of mine who were young, extremely good-looking and “non-macho” as described above had the hardest time with them, were sexually harassed by queers, fired from jobs by queers, and had queers repeatedly try to sexually blackmail them. Every straight man I have ever known who made the fatal error of accepting a homosexual’s offer of a “roommate” was sexually blackmailed by the homosexual. After a little while, the ultimatum came down: Either you fuck me or I am going to throw you out into the gutter. Gay men are always advertising for roommates, especially for young, good-looking men, and they don’t particularly care if the guy is gay or straight. If the gay is ok, maybe they are in luck, but if he is straight, they will try ever devious trick in the book to fuck him. I have known a number of young, very good-looking men who were hired by homosexual bosses who then demanded “sex or I fire you.” In other words, sexual harassment.

My opinion is that any young, good-looking straight man who accepts a roommate offer from a gay needs to have his head examined. Any young, good-looking straight man who accepts a job offer from a gay men really needs to think long and hard about this situation.

This was also my experience.

Queers are a plague! All straight men everywhere should avoid queers as much as possible. They’re a nightmare, and nothing good has ever come out of any friendship I ever tried to have with a gay or bisexual man. I have had many friends who had the exact same experience. Treat them as if they have a deadly contagious disease and stay as far away from them as possible. If they try to get friendly or approach, engage in “pre-emptive attack” by attacking them before they even start. Act hostile, aggressive and even violent. Act like you are Ted Bundy’s twin brother and you will slit their throat in a nanosecond if they even think about doing anything with you. This will frighten them and they will back off a bit and many times, they will be less likely to try anything.

My experience has been that most friendships with these guys are 100% impossible. Once they hit on you or come onto you, it’s all over, and no relationship is ever possible after that point. Most of them can’t take no for answer and will keep on trying to suck your dick until Kingdom Come.

There are a few gay men who will respect you for being straight and leave you alone, but I would not form a really close friendship with them.

Bisexual men are the worst of all because you can’t spot them, and they walk through straight society basically as enemy spies. They seem to be normal, regular straight guys who like women. Many of them have girlfriends or are married. You think you are making friends with a normal, regular guy who just happens to have a beautiful chick, but boy are you in for a huge surprise! They are worse than gay men, never take no for an answer, and worse, you end up inviting them into your home or going to their place where all sorts of bad weirdness ensues. Friendships with bisexual men are simply not possible at all, and I would advise all straight men to avoid all friendships with bisexual men. They are worse than the gays.

All gay men do not want to sleep with me, but when I was younger, a Hell of a lot of them sure did!