Warabi Mochi

By Cathysjoy
超好吃又容易做的 Warabi mochi (わらび餅)
Warabi Mochi
(recipe adapted from here)

100g warabiko (bracken starch)
100g fine sugar
400ml water 
1. Sprinkle kinako onto silpat mat. Set aside.2. In a medium saucepan, combine the Warabi Mochiko, sugar & water. Mix all together.3. Heat the mixture over medium heat until it starts to boil. Then, reduce the heat & stir constantly for 5mins until the mixture is thick & translucent.4. Remove the mochi from the heat & transfer to the prepared silpat mat. Sprinkle more kinako on top & let it cool in the fridge for 20mins.
5. Slice the warabi mochi & toss in kinako. Serve on plate & drizzle kuromitsu over the warabi mochi.
Matcha warabi mochi Make both flavors if you can't decide what you want *^_^*