Waqf Might Refuse to Accompany Jews on Har Habayit

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Good news? Bad news? I never really understand these types of protests, but it is what is happening. Kipa is reporting that the Waqf representatives on Har Habayit are going to now refuse to escort Jewish visitors to ensure they follow the "rules" and do not pray, among other banned behaviors, and will leave it up to the police to enforce on their own.
The Waf people are upset about various incidents of conflict with the police and along with lack of support from the Waqf administration.
Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan responded by saying the Waqf reps had no such responsibility or task until now, in any official capacity beyond self-appointed guards - the Israel Police are the only authority there and is the only body responsible for enforcing the rules to keep order on Har Habayit. People have questioned the veracity of Erdan's response, considering how Waqf representatives regularly accompany Jewish groups and point out possible infractions to police demanding enforcement. As I understand it they do not have this responsibility but do so on their own accord and it is the police responsible for enforcement, even if the Waqf people make them do their jobs at a stricter level.
MK Betzalel Smotrich (Habayit Hayehudi) responded by questioning how it can be possible to ban Jewish prayer on Har Habayit, considering there are no such laws banning it and any such rule is gross discrimination that cannot exist in a democratic country. This shameful undemocratic behavior on Har Habayit must come to an end and this would be the perfect opportunity to do so.
I agree with Smotrich, but as I have commented in the other direction, if one can ban Jewish prayer on Har Habayit one can ban the Women of the Wall from praying in their preferred style at the Kotel, and if one says banning such prayer on Har Habayit is wrong and undemocratic, on what basis can that person oppose the Women of the Wall at the Kotel or having a "Reform Kotel"? Once you use the rules of democracy as your basis. they are either both ok or both can be banned.
Anyways, back to the original topic, if the Waqf want to refuse to accompany Jews on Har Habayit, in my opinion they are more than welcome to carry out this protest for as long as possible.
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