Wapo/ABC Poll- Only Democrats Like Taxes: They Are Called Tax And Spend Democrats For A Reason

Posted on the 10 April 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos

The headline over at Washington Post's The Fix declares "Who likes taxes? Democrats, and no one else."
Anyone really surprised by this breaking blockbuster finding? Didn't think so.
Fifty-three percent of self-identified Democrats in the Post-ABC survey view the income tax system favorably while 43 percent see it unfavorably. That’s a stark contrast to the 66 percent of Republicans and 62 percent of independents who have an unfavorable opinion of the tax system.
What explains that massive disparity between Democrats and Republicans/Independents when it comes to the tax system?
Part of the answer may well be that Democrats are broadly supportive of the idea that government can and should collect taxes in order to provide services for the American public while Republicans and independents are more skeptical about giving money to the federal government to spend.

Democrats believe the more money they can tax Americans, the more they can spend.
By far the most interesting question and answer is not addressed in the article over at The Fix on the poll results.

Click image above to enlarge

An overwhelming majority approve of tax payers using every legal maneuver possible to lower their tax burden. 85 percent of all adults and 86 percent when asking registered voters.
This poll release comes the same day Obama is expected to present his my way or the highway budget proposal, which as Lori Montgomery over at the Washington Post explains, is really a "$3.77 trillion spending plan, " which includes.... you guessed it.... raising taxes again and spending.
President Obama plans Wednesday to unveil a $3.77 trillion spending plan that proposes modest new investments in infrastructure and education, major new taxes for the wealthy and significant reforms aimed at reducing the cost of Social Security and Medicare.

The term "new investments" is Democrat-speak for more spending
None of the budgets proposed by Obama over the last 4 years have been implemented and his last proposed budget received zero support in either the Senate or the House when they came up for a vote. Not one Democrat or Republican voted to implement it.
This budget proposal has even less chance of passage as not only Republicans are refusing to consider more revenue, but progressive liberals are actually threatening Democrats with challengers in their next elections if they support Obama's budget, because of the Social Security and Medicare reforms.
As The Daily Ticker over at Yahoo Finance phrases it "Obama Finally Unites Washington…In Opposition to His Budget."
Obama's tax and spend proposal is due to be unveiled at 11:15am on Wednesday and while it will generate massive headlines and dedicated ink to every aspect of that proposal, as I said yesterday, it is already dead-on-arrival.