WANTED: Woman in Search of Other Like Minded Women

By Saltykisses @svprili

I am a full on introvert, I think I could live out my days in a cabin in the woods somewhere hibernating like a bear (with a good book). My husband is often pushing me to step out into the world and talk to other boaters and pretty much any random person he can find. Carl is the got getter adventurer in our relationship. If there is a guy in a dingy banging on the side of your boat chances are it’s him coming to say hi.

Living in Mississippi I had myself a couple of close friends, you know the close friends that you never call or hang out with but are there in a second if you need them and if they’re reading this, thanks chickies!! My family has gotten used to me not emailing or calling that much, it’s not that I don’t love them its just that I don’t feel the need if I don’t have any info to share. I’ve found that this boating life is great for me, in my spare time (which is EXTREMELY limited to the hours of 9-10pm) the only thing I love to do is curl up with a good book. It is now 7:30pm and Carl has jumped in the dingy off to who knows where, if you hear a banging on your hull it may be him at your boat!

A couple of stops ago we went into Lunenburg, NS Canada where a friend that I had met through Facebook brought her kids down to see the boat. Of course me being a total hermit was anxious about her visit. Usually I rely on Carl for entertaining guests. We hit it off! I was a little chatty Nancy all evening, she’s lucky I didn’t have a glass of wine. We were planning on heading out in the morning but decided that it would be best for the girls, and me to stay another day and hang out with her.

Olivia came and picked us up at 10am the following morning and took us back to her lovely house with mountains of toys, the girls were in wonderland. We drank tea and chatted. In the blink of an eye a few hours had passed and we had to head back to the boat. Thank you Olivia for such a relaxing and therapeutic afternoon. I thought that I had everything that was needed in my life. I had a stable home, loved ones and a good supply of wine. I really didn’t realize how much I was missing some girl time and I’m not that much of a girl. Here I am thinking how adventurous I’m being traveling around on a sailboat with my family and living the dream. I must remember that it’s not only the places you visit it’s the people that make it memorable, and that I really do need to step out of my comfort zone more.

I’ve decided that once we hit Massachusetts I’m going to fly down to Mississippi and visit the lovely ladies that I never called or visited, those few days in Lunenburg opened my eyes to how much I miss my friends. Being able to bitch, giggle and talk about all those things that your husbands really don’t give a crap about.

So if you see me in your travels and you are a woman (or even an effeminate man) please come knock on our hull for a chat, god knows I need it some days.

I included a picture of our little man in this blog because he’s my social magnet. Men say woman gravitate to them when they walk their dogs, well our bub sucks hormonal women towards me when in his ergo baby carrier. Thanks little man, I need all the help I can get.