Want to Win True Blood Swag? Join The Fun Starts After Dark’s Blog Hop!

Posted on the 09 June 2012 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

True Blood cravings are at their all time high and I’m sure many of you Truebies are trying to find ways to keep busy. So here’s one way to both occupy your time tomorrow and celebrate the True Blood season 5 premiere.

The blog,  All The Fun Starts After Dark is doing a blog hop beginning tomorrow June 10th through June 16th. To enter their giveaway all you have to do is like their blog and you could win one of two True Blood prize packs including True Blood DVDs, a signed copy of Deadlocked and more. But it gets better! Visit the blogs that are participating in the blog hop and you could win even more prizes!

So head over to All the Fun Starts After Dark for more information and to enter by clicking here.

Source: All the Fun Starts After Dark.com- “True Blood Giveaway Hop”

Image Credit: HBO, Inc.