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By Martin Gergov

Hello, my name is Madeline Kortze!

I started It Works because well.. it works! I needed some help to become healthy again and this program has helped me go on the right track. I loved it so much that I decided to become a distributor to share my love of this program to others!
My goal in this business is to help people like you, reach your goals.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Happy wrapping!
Contact me (click here): http://maddiewraps.myitworks.com

History of it works: 1995 from humble beginnings!

It Works!® started in 2001 and is now debt-free and expanding all over the world. But no matter how big we grow, we’ll always do things at It Works! our way: the It Works! way.

It Works! was born out of Mark & Cindy Pentecost’s passion to offer families like yours the opportunity to dream big, to begin living life in your own terms—because they too had those dreams once themselves.

Long before the founding of It Works! Global, Mark was a high school teacher and basketball coach in the small town of Allegan, Michigan. Cindy was a stay-at-home mom with their three children, a job of the utmost importance that the family took great pride in her doing. They were rich in love and filled with dreams, but struggling to make ends meet financially.

So Mark & Cindy devised a plan: an extra $500 a month, to be earned through a home-based business opportunity in the telecommunications industry.

After months of evening hours dedicated to their new side business, the Pentecosts’ earnings grew far beyond the goal they had originally set. After a few years, Mark became a top-ten earner in the company, bought the family’s freedom, and began to dream of the next big challenge: helping other families do the same. They weren’t sure how they would do it yet, but the seed had been planted for It Works! Global.

Click Here – Maddiewraps.myitworks.com

2001 The Ultimate Body Applicator

“The biggest challenge in this industry—and really the worldwide market—is to offer an uncommon solution, a true original, that captivates people and offers them something they never thought possible before. When we found the Ultimate Body Applicator, we knew we had something special to share with the world.” – Mark Pentecost, CEO It Works! Global…

2001 The Minf Behind The Magic

A product so special as the Ultimate Body Applicator could only come from a mind that is both brilliant and passionate about the use of safe, natural ingredients: Luis Mijares. Luis, the formulator behind the It Works! body contouring and skin care products, has been a friend and business partner to Mark Pentecost since their first introduction in 2001.

Luis’ passion for research and development in the skin care, nutritional, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries began when he was a child, learning natural remedies from his grandmother in Mexico. His abundant credentials, including his experience as the CEO of a top pharmaceutical company, his international reknown as an herbalist and university educator of phytotherapy (the uses of plants for medicinal purposes), along with his keen personal interest in natural solutions made Luis the ideal candidate for the It Works! Product Development Specialist.

2005 The It Works! Premium Supplements Line!

The It Works! premium supplements line began when Mark made a routine visit to his doctor’s office several years ago. On this visit, Mark’s doctor instructed him to start taking a daily multi-vitamin supplement. But when Mark asked his doctor which one he should take, he was taken aback by the physician’s response: “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t take a cheap one. You only live once!”

“I didn’t know what to do with that,” recalls Mark. “You want to know that you’re putting the very best things in your body, so I began the long and hard search for the best multi-vitamin on the market.” Mark took a trip to a local nutrition store looking for answers. Sales people swarmed after him. Vitamins filled the shelves, all claiming different benefits. Over an hour later, Mark left feeling more confused than when he had gone in, overwhelmed with options. Next, he began asking his friends which vitamins they were taking. Some made their choices because the vitamin had a nice package. Others simply looked for a mid-priced vitamin, unsure of what exactly they were putting in their bodies. And others picked up the most expensive item, hoping that it was, in fact, the very best for them.

“The more I got into the education of a vitamin, I started learning more about what’s all natural versus synthetic,” says Mark. “A lot of times you’d find that a product might have 100-200 ingredients, but there wasn’t enough of each ingredient for the product to actually do what the clinicals showed they could do. You want something foundational that you know has the key ingredients to help keep us healthy and be the best we can be.”

Eventually, Mark’s search brought him to meet Don VerHulst, MD, a doctor with an extensive background in researching the effects of nutrition and natural remedies on today’s common health issues. Mark and Dr. Don worked together to kick off the It Works! premium dietary supplements line with It’s Vital, an advanced formula multi-vitamin, mineral, and enzyme supplement with all the known nutrients the body needs on a daily basis.

In his pursuit to find the best vitamin to keep his own body healthy, Mark has made it possible for you to have access to the same superior formula for yourself and your family. This standard of providing the best quality supplements on the market has carried through all our product formulations and remains the driving force behind the It Works! dietary supplements line.

Today, the It Works supplements line is a comprehensive collection of nutritional solutions for real people like you to help you combat the elements and stay healthy, and Dr. Don travels around the world with Chief Networking Officer Pam Sowder to teach on the benefits of the It Works! supplements and spread his message of ten easy steps to better health.

We proudly stand behind our commitment to nutritional supplements that contain the highest quality ingredients, offering you real, life-changing results at affordable prices. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, lose weight, get top-notch nutrition, regulate your digestive system, or turn back the hands of time from the inside out, there is a solution for you in the It Works! supplements line.

See more on: http://maddiewraps.myitworks.com